Integrating Supply Chains With Dynamic-Advertising And Demand Generation

 In Big Data, Campaigns, Case Studies, Content, Engagement, Mobile, Search Engine Marketing, Uncategorized

The Problem: Inventory-supply and advertising are not in sync. For national brands, a single advertising campaign often fails to take into account specific inventory at each location. This has been causing inefficiencies in advertising, as well as generic messaging rather than specific ads geared toward local audiences with specific demands.

The problem pertains to numerous industries. For example, in the automobile business, a nationwide advertising campaign may discuss certain makes, models or features that the local branch of the company does not actually carry or have in stock.


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Sticking with the example of cars, ad agencies for automakers, dealer associations and dealers face:

A) High fluctuation of used and new car inventories

B) Prohibitive costs to try to address this inventory challenge on an ongoing basis

The Solution: Now these challenges can be overcome via a new inventory-driven advertising solution. It allows the demand chain of advertising to be driven by the needs of the supply chain, including inventory and competition. Better yet, this can happen in near real time, and at a localized, sub-metro level. Furthermore, it allows digital ads to be deep-linked into landing pages—car dealers can tout a specific make/model/year. It also works for other industries!


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This model is already running and showing promise with large international media companies interested in defending their revenues.

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