Social commerce via Facebook
Lets fans make a purchase without ever leaving a fan page to avoid the huge bounce rate from taking people out of Facebook for a transaction.
What It Does
1. Drive customer purchases directly from your brand’s Facebook fan page
2. Identify & track your brand’s BEST customers to enable reward / loyalty / advocacy re-marketing campaigns
3. Convert “in-store” / “on property” customer traffic to brand fans
4. Bridge critical behavioral data gap that exists between social engagement behavior, online & in-store purchase behavior and actual offer redemption
How It Works
Social Commerce Platform
Key Value Propositions
- Activate existing Facebook fan base to drive purchases & social offer sharing
- Drive trial on new product releases
- Re-engage dormant customers
- Accelerate fan base growth
- Activate retail distribution/marketing
- Encourage “omni channel” behavior
- Gather data to identify best customers & extract long-term value
Contact us to learn more about social commerce.